时间:2014-07-04 0:00 来源:学院办公室 作者:
序号 | 汉语进修班类型 | 开设主要课程 |
1 | 汉语进修班(零起点、初级、中级、高级、提高班) | 汉语精读、汉语阅读、汉语写作、汉语口语、汉语听力、中国文化、中国武术 |
2 | 中医汉语进修班 | 汉语精读、汉语阅读、汉语写作、汉语口语、汉语听力、中医汉语、中国武术 |
3 | 短期汉语进修班 | 根据实际培养目标和需求洽谈具体安排 |
4 | 汉语水平考试(HSK)辅导班 | 根据实际需要安排 |
一. Chinese Language Class Program
(1) Types of Chinese Language Class
No. | Types of Chinese Language Class | Major Courses |
1 | Chinese Language Class (beginner’s class, elementary class, secondary class, senior class and advanced class) | Chinese Intensive Reading, Chinese Reading, Chinese Writing, Oral Chinese, Chinese Listening, Chinese Culture, Chinese Martial Arts |
2 | Chinese Medicine Class | Chinese Intensive Reading, Chinese Reading, Chinese Writing, Oral Chinese, Chinese Listening, Chinese Medicine, Chinese Martial Arts |
3 | Short-term Chinese Language Class | Arranged according to the requirements of the client |
4 | HSK Class | Arranged according to the practical needs |
(2) Enrollment Requirements
a. Observing the law of the PRC and regulations of the University
b. Honest
c. Healthy
d. Aging from 16 to 60
版权所有:海南师范大学国际教育学院 网站备案号:琼ICP备0021722号
地址:海南省海口市龙昆南路99号 电话:86-898-65882015 86-898-65819460
传真:86-898-65882015 86-898-65819460 Email:hainnu@sina.com 技术支持:伊索科技