时间:2014-07-11 0:00 来源:学院办公室 作者:
Recruitment Procedures for Confucius Institute Scholarship (2014)
For the purpose of supporting the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitating international promotion of Chinese language and dissemination of Chinese culture, as well as cultivating qualified Chinese-language teachers and excellent Chinese-language learners, Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban (hereinafter referred to as Hanban) launches a “Confucius Institute Scholarship” program to sponsor foreign students, scholars and Chinese language teachers to study Chinese in relevant universities of China (hereinafter referred to as “Host Institutes” ).
一、招生类别及申请条件(Category of Scholarship and Eligibility Criteria)
The scholarship of 2014 is divided into 5 categories:
? Scholarship for Students of Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(MTCSOL),
? Scholarship for Students of One-Academic-Year + MTCSOL,
? Scholarship for Students of Bachelor's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(BTCSOL),
? Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Students,
? Scholarship for One-Semester Students.
Applicants shall be non-Chinese citizens in good health, aged between 16 and 35 (Chinese language teachers in post shall be aged below 45, and applicants for BTCSOL scholarship should be aged below 20).
1. 汉语国际教育专业硕士 向孔子学院(课堂)学员,海外本土汉语教师、“汉语桥”中文比赛优胜者、大学中文专业优秀毕业生和HSK考试成绩优秀者提供。入学时间为2014年秋季,资助期限为2年。申请者应具有学士学位或相当学历,HSK成绩不低于五级180分、HSKK成绩不低于中级50分,同时书面承诺毕业后至少从事5年汉语教学工作。有具体任教意向者(须提供拟任教单位出具的证明)将被优先录取。汉办将为优秀毕业生回国任教提供支持。
Scholarship for Students of MTCSOL: The scholarship is oriented at excellent students from Confucius Institutes (Classrooms), overseas local Chinese language teachers, winners of the "Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students, excellent foreign college graduates majored in Chinese and outstanding performers on HSK exams, to undertake a Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. The scholarship winner shall begin the study in autumn 2014, and the duration of scholarship is two academic years. The applicant should have a bachelor degree or its equivalent, get a score of at least 180 on the HSK (level 5) and a score of at least 50 on the HSKK (intermediate level), and make a written commitment stating that he/she will be engaged in Chinese language teaching for at least 5 years after graduation. The applicant with a specific teaching post arranged will be given admission priority (certification by the institution he/she will teach for is required). Hanban will provide support for outstanding graduates to teach in their home countries.
2. 一学年研修+汉语国际教育专业硕士 向非洲和拉美地区有志于从事汉语教学工作的孔子学院(课堂)学员提供。申请者须与孔子学院或拟任教单位签订协议,具有学士学位或相当学历,HSK成绩不低于三级180分、HSKK成绩不低于初级60分;第一学年结束前通过年度评审且汉语能力测试取得HSK五级180分以上成绩者,可继续在华攻读汉语国际教育专业硕士学位。汉办将为毕业回国任教者提供支持,如,招聘为本土汉语教师并给予工资补贴等。
Scholarship for Students of One-Academic-Year + MTCSOL: The scholarship is oriented at students from Confucius Institutes in Africa and Latin America regions, who are interested in Chinese Language teaching. The applicant shall sign an agreement with the Confucius Institute or an institute he/she will teach for. The Applicant is required to have a bachelor degree or its equivalent and achieve a score of at least 180 on the HSK (level 3) and a score of at least 60 on the HSKK (primary level). Those who pass the first-academic-year assessment and score at least 180 on the HSK (level 5) can proceed with their study in China for the Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. Hanban will support graduates to teach Chinese in their home countries by recruiting them as local teachers, providing wage subsidies, etc.
3. 汉语国际教育本科 向亚洲和非洲地区不发达国家有志于从事汉语教学工作的孔子学院学员提供,学习专业为汉语国际教育(含汉语言本科汉语国际教育方向)。入学时间为2014年秋季,资助期限为4年。申请者应具有高中以上学历,HSK成绩不低于三级180分、HSKK成绩不低于中级40分。
Scholarship for Students of BTCSOL: The scholarship is oriented at students from Confucius Institutes in underdeveloped regions in Asia and Africa, who are interested in Chinese Language teaching. Scholarship winners will major in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (or Chinese in the direction of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages). Time of enrollment for scholarship winners is autumn, 2014, and the duration is four academic years. Applicants should have a high school degree or above, and meanwhile get no less than 180 scores in HSK (level 3) and at least 40 scores in HSKK (intermediate level).
4.一学年研修生 向孔子学院(课堂)学员,海外本土汉语教师、“汉语桥”中文比赛优胜者、大学中文专业优秀学生、HSK考试成绩优秀者和有志于从事国际汉语教育的人士提供,学习专业包括汉语言文学、中国历史和中国哲学,入学时间为2014年秋季,资助期限为1学年。申请者HSK成绩须不低于三级180分、HSKK成绩不低于初级60分。
Scholarship for One-Academic Year Students : The scholarship is oriented at outstanding students of Confucius Institutes (Classrooms), overseas local Chinese language teachers, winners of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students, excellent foreign college students majored in Chinese, outstanding performers on the HSK, and those who intend to become Chinese teachers. The scholarship winner may choose to study in majors including Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History and Chinese Philosophy. The time of entrance is autumn 2014 and the grant term is one academic year. Applicants should achieve a score of at least 180 on the HSK (level 3) and at least 60 on the HSKK (primary level).
5.一学期研修生 向孔子学院(课堂)优秀学员,“汉语桥”世界大、中学生中文比赛优胜者,海外本土汉语教师、大学中文专业优秀学生、HSK考试成绩优秀者提供,学习专业包括汉语言文学、中国历史和中国哲学,入学时间为2014年秋季或2015年春季,资助期限为1学期。申请者HSK成绩须不低于二级120分、HSKK成绩不低于初级40分。
Scholarship for One-Semester Students : The scholarship is oriented at excellent students of Confucius Institutes (Classrooms), winners of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students, overseas local Chinese language teachers, excellent foreign college students majored in Chinese, and outstanding performers on the HSK. The scholarship winner may choose to study in majors including Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History and Chinese Philosophy. The time of entrance is autumn 2014 or spring 2015 and the grant term is one semester. Applicants should achieve a score of at least 120 on the HSK (level 2) and at least 40 on the HSKK (primary level).
For all categories of scholarships, priority will be given to applicants with HSK and HSKK scores. Winners of the finals of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students in China shall arrange their applications in accordance with the prize specifications. Repetitive applications are invalid.
二、奖学金资助内容及标准(Scholarship Coverage and Criteria)
Scholarship winners are exempt from registration fees, tuition, fees for basic learning materials, accommodation fees on campus, and are provided with a one-off resettlement subsidy, monthly living allowance, outpatient medical service and comprehensive insurance for foreign students studying in China. Monthly living allowances are provided at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):
a. CNY 1,400 for One-Academic-Year Students and One-Semester Students.
b. CNY 1,700 for Master’s Degree Students.
The one-off resettlement subsidy is CNY 1,500 for students who will study in China for one academic year or more CNY 1,000 will be provided for all students who studies in China for one semester the one-off resettlement subsidy will not be provided for those who have studied in China for more than half a year before being enrolled.
三、招生流程(Recruitment Procedures)
From the issue date of the Procedures, applicants can log on to the Confucius Institute Scholarship website at http://cis.chinese.cn, set up an individual account, read information and introduction of host institutes and majors, complete and submit the Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form online.
2. 汉办委托各国孔子学院(独立设置的孔子课堂),有关海外汉语考试考点,中国驻外使(领)馆教育、文化处(组),接收院校和未建孔子学院国家的有关高等学校作为推荐机构,负责按招生要求审核属地申请者资格及申请材料,并于5月10日前将推荐名单汇总提交汉办。
Confucius Institutes (independently set-up Confucius Classrooms), overseas Chinese test centers, educational and cultural offices (sections) of Chinese Embassies (Consulates), host institutes and institutions of higher education in those countries with no Confucius Institutes are entrusted by Hanban as the recommending institutions. The recommending institutions shall examine the qualification and application materials of applicants, and submit the list of recommended applicants to Hanban by May 10th, 2014.
3. 接收院校负责审核申请者入学资格,并于5月26日前向汉办提交符合条件的奖学金留学生预录取名单。
Host institutes are responsible for reviewing the qualification of applicants and submitting the proposed enrollment name list of qualified candidates to Hanban by May 26th, 2014.
Hanban will organize an expert panel to make the final selection, and publish the name list of successful applicants on the Scholarship website by June 16th, 2014. Hanban will also inform the host institutes and the recommending institutions, and the recommending institutions will inform the applicants.
The host institutes will post “Admission Letter”, “Enrollment Instructions”, “Visa Application Form for Foreigners to Study in China" (JW202 Form) and other related materials to successful applicants through their recommending institutions by July 1st, 2014.
四、申请材料(Application Documents)
Applicants should log onto the Scholarship website, fill out the “Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form”, and attach the electronic files of the following materials:
1. 护照照片页。Photocopy of passport photo page.
2.HSK、HSKK成绩报告。Photocopies of HSK、HSKK score reports.
3.经过公证的最高学历(毕业预定证明或在校学习证明)。Notarized highest education diploma attained(scheduled graduation proof or official proof of student status).
Reference letter and letter of commitment. The BTCSOL Scholarship applicants should submit pre-admission notice issued by the host institutes designated by Hanban. The MTCSOL Scholarship applicants are required to submit two reference letters from professors or associate professors (in Chinese or English) and a written commitment stating that the applicant will be engaged in Chinese language teaching for at least 5 years after graduation (written in Chinese and signed). College students majored in Chinese in countries with no Confucius Institutes established shall submit a reference letter signed and issued by the university President.
5.未满18周岁的申请者,须提交委托在华法定监护人的相关法律文件。Applicants under the age of 18 shall submit relevant legal documents of entrusted legal guardians in China.
6.“汉语桥”世界大、中学生中文比赛来华复赛获奖者须提供奖学金证书。各国分赛区优胜者须提供获奖证明和赛区主办单位出具的推荐函。Winners of the finals of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students in China shall submit the certificate of scholarship. Winners of preliminary rounds of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions in their countries shall submit award proof and a reference letter from the Chinese Embassy (or Consulate) in the competition area.
7.在职汉语教师须提交就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信。Chinese language teachers shall submit the proof of the length of time in teaching and weekly teaching hours provided by institutes they work for.
8. 申请“一学年研修+汉语国际教育专业硕士”连读学习的,须提交与孔子学院或拟任教单位签订的协议。Those applying for scholarship of One-Academic-Year + MTCSOL are required to provide the agreement signed with the Confucius Institute or the institute which they will be working for.
9. 接收院校所需的其他证明材料。Other materials required by host institutes.
五、入学及年度评审( Entrance and Annual Appraisal )
1.奖学金获得者须根据接收院校规定按时到校报到。无故逾期未报到者,奖学金资格不予保留。The scholarship winners shall register at the host institutes before the deadline set by the institutes. Scholarships will not be reserved for those who do not register on time without reasonable cause.
2.入学体检不合格者,奖学金资格将被取消。Scholarships will be canceled for those who cannot pass the health examination.
3.按照《孔子学院奖学金年度评审办法》的规定,汉语国际教育本科生和专业硕士生(含一学年研修+汉语国际教育专业硕士生)须参加年度评审,符合条件者方可继续享受下一年度奖学金。Students undertaking BTCSOL or MMTCSOL (including One-Academic-Year + MTCSOL), shall be subject to an annual appraisal after being enrolled according to the “Annual Appraisal Procedures for Confucius Institute Scholarship”. Only the eligible students are entitled to continue to receive the scholarships in the following year.
六、联系方式(Contact Information)
孔子学院总部/国家汉办 奖学金处
Division of Scholarships, Confucius Institute Headquarters / Hanban
地址:北京西城区德胜门外大街129号 邮编:100088
Address: 129, Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100088.
传真(Fax):+86-10-58595937 ,电邮(Email):scholarships@hanban.org
孔子学院奖学金网站(Confucius Institute Scholarship Website):http://cis.chinese.cn
HSK、HSKK考试网站(HSK and HSKK Website):http://www.chinesetest.cn
孔子学院奖学金接收院校名单(Host Institutes for Confucius Institute Scholarship)
版权所有:海南师范大学国际教育学院 网站备案号:琼ICP备0021722号
地址:海南省海口市龙昆南路99号 电话:86-898-65882015 86-898-65819460
传真:86-898-65882015 86-898-65819460 Email:hainnu@sina.com 技术支持:伊索科技