时间:2024-02-29 0:00 来源:国际教育学院(海南来琼国际学生预科教育学院) 作者:
I. Introduction
Hainan Normal University (HNU) is located in Haikou, the capital city ofHainan Province, which is a beautiful coastal tourist city and a famous nationalhistorical and cultural city. Founded in the autumn of 1949, It is a key jointly-builtuniversity by China’s Ministry of Education and Hainan Province and is among thefirst batch of colleges and universities approved by the Propaganda Department of theCentral Committee of the CPC to jointly build a school of journalism. It is also animportant training base for outstanding teachers and senior professionals in Hainanprovince and is reputed as“a famous university in Hainan and a cradle for teachers”.
The university has more than 20,000 full-time students, 25 schools, 67undergraduate programs, 18 first-level master's degree programs, 17 master's degreeprograms, and 5 first-level doctoral degree programs. The university has 2,200faculty members, including 1361 full-time teachers and researchers, and 649 teacherswith senior professional titles.
The university started to enroll international students in 1988. Now it is one of thefirst universities approved to admit international students by State EducationCommission, and one of the first Chinese education bases established by OverseasChinese Affairs Office of the State Council, established a joint Confucius Institute2with Malaysia’s Sysmatic Education Group International (SEGI). The universityprovides Chinese Government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, HainanGovernment Scholarship and Hainan Overseas Chinese Language and CultureEducation Scholarship for international students. The university is the SoutheastAsian Teachers’ Training Base for Promotion of Chinese, under the approval ofConfucius Institute Headquarters / Hanban, the site for HSK in Hainan, and has beenawarded by Hainan Provincial Department of Education to the Preparatory EducationSchool for Hainan international students.
At present, the university has undertaken academic exchanges with over 100universities and education institutions in 60 countries, established sister relationshipwith 82 foreign universities and education institutions such as University of Hawaiiof the United States, The University of Chester of Britain,University of Barterboldt ofGermany, Hiroshima University of Japan ,and cooperated with 10 universitiesin cultivation of talents such as St. Petersburg National Film and TelevisionUniversity of Russia, DePaul University of the United States,Hiroshima University ofJapan, and the Indian National Institute of Information Technology .
II. Strengths of the University
1. Complete Facilities
Hainan Normal University accommodates two campuses—the South LongkunRoad campus and the Guilinyang campus, covering an area of 2,066,666 squaremeters (3,100 mu). There are 3 key laboratories founded by the Ministry of Education, 3 national and regional research bases at the ministerial level, 8 Provincial key3laboratories, 4 engineering centers, 13 key research bases of humanities and socialsciences, 1 international-joint research center, 1 key new type think tank, 4 fieldscientific observation and research stations, and 2 natural science bases. With multi-media classrooms, a students’ reading room, a language lab, amulti-media lecture hall, and an HSK network exam classroom, the building forChinese language teaching occupies 3,500 square meters.
2. All-round Service
We are active, enthusiastic, considerate and effective in delivering services tostudents, such as airport pickup and formalities assistance.
3. Beautiful Environment
The school is located in Haikou, a coastal tourist city and a famous nationalhistoric and cultural city. Hainan is a southernmost province and the only tropicalisland in China. With an average temperature of 23.8℃, it has a long summer and nowinter. As the first ecological province in China, Hainan is the best tourist destinationfor holiday in terms of its first-class environment and unique customs. Therefore, it’salso called green island, ecological island, safe island and vacation island by Chineseand foreign tourists.
4. Convenient Transportation
In Hainan, there are 3 airports, Meilan International Airport in Haikou BoaoAirport in Qionghai and Phoenix International Airport in Sanya, offering 440international and domestic routes. It boasts Cross-sea Railway, high-speed railwayaround Hainan island. Besides, Haikou is also adjacent to Hong Kong, Macao and4Guangzhou, each of which is within 50 minutes of flight.
III. Enrollment Programs
i. Bachelor Program
Enrollment Requirements
a. Observing the law of PRC and regulations of the University
b. Honest
c. Healthy
d. Aged under 30
e. With high school diploma or equivalent
f. HSK requirement: New HSK Level 4
g. Arts majors applicants should passed interview by professional colleges
h. International students who apply for bilingual teaching should be exempted fromnative English speakers or whose previous degree education instruction language isEnglish , and non-native English speakers should have a TOEFL score of 78 or aboveor IELTS score of 6.0 or above.
ii. Master Program
Enrollment Requirements
a. Observing the law of PRC and regulations of the University
b. Honest
c. Healthy
d. Aged under 35
e. With bachelor’s degree and good performance
f. Major of arts: New HSK Level 5 over 180 scores, Master’s Degree in TeachingChinese to Speakers of Other Languages requires New HSK Level 5 over 210scores
g. Major of science: New HSK Level 4 or above
h. With the recommendation of two professors or associate professors
i. Arts majors applicants should passed interview by professional colleges
j. International students who apply for English teaching or bilingual teachingshould be exempted from native English speakers or whose previous degreeeducation instruction language is English,and non-native English speakers shouldachieve TOEFL score of 78 or above or IELTS score of 6.0 or above. k. International students who apply for Russian teaching must be the native Russianspeakers.
iii. Doctoral Program
Enrollment Requirements
a. Observing the law of PRC and regulations of the University
b. Honest
c. Healthy
d. Aged under 40
e. With master’s degree and good performance
f. Major of arts: New HSK Level 6
g. Major of science: New HSK Level 5 or above
h. Two recommendations from professors or associate professors
i. International students who apply for English teaching or bilingual teachingshould be exempted from native English speakers or whose previous degreeeducation instruction language is English,and non-native English speakers shouldachieve TOEFL score of 78 or above or IELTS score of 6.0 or above.
j. International students who apply for Russian teaching must be the native Russianspeakers.
IV.Scholarship Coverage
Scholarship winners are exempt from tuition fee, accommodation feeand comprehensive medical insurance.
V. Application Deadline and Admission time
The application deadline is April 30th and admission time is September.
VI. Application Documents(in duplicate)
1. Application Form for Hainan Government Scholarship(in Chinese or English, download link:http://gjwh.hainnu.edu.cn/index.php/Edownload/show/id/1287.html)
2.Passport Copy.
3. Valid HSK Certificate. It is valid until June 2024
4. Notarized highest diplomaProspective diploma recipients must submit official document issued by your currentschool to prove your current student status or expected graduation date. Documents inlanguages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese orEnglish translations.
5. Academic transcripts (written in Chinese or English)Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached withnotarized Chinese or English translations.
6. A Study Plan or Research Proposal (written in Chinese or English, and should bea minimum of 800 words. )
7. Two Recommendation Letters (written in Chinese or English)Applicants who apply for master degree or doctoral degree must submit tworecommendation letters signed by a professor or an associate professor.
8. Foreigner Physical Examination Form ( photocopy )( written in English, can be downloaded fromhttp://gjwh.hainnu.edu.cn/index.php/Edownload/show/id/2099.html)
The physical examinations must cover all of the items listed in the Foreigner PhysicalExamination Form. Incomplete forms or forms without the signature of the attendingphysician, or the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of theapplicant are considered as invalid. Please carefully plan your physical examinationschedule as the result is valid for only 6 months.
9. Certificate of no criminal record.
10. Arts majors applicants should passed interview by professional colleges.
VII. Application Procedure
Step 1 - Prepare all the required documents
Step 2 – Fill the Application Form for Hainan Government Scholarship on computer(No handwriting), then print it out to sign your name at the specified location of theapplication form
Step 3 –Apply online in our website: http://study.hainnu.edu.cn/
Step 4 - Submit two hard copies of all your application documents to us before April30th. No application documents will be returned.
VIII. Contact information
*Address: No.99, Longkunnan Road, Haikou, Hainan, PRCAdmission Office, School of International Education, Hainan Normal University
*Postcode: 571158
*Telephone: 0086-898-65819460
*Fax: 0086-898-65819460
*E-mail: hainnu@sina.com 570010@hainnu.edu.cn
*Website: http://gjwh.hainnu.edu.cn
*School Wechat ID(Constructing ) : “海南师范大学国际教育学院”or “Hainannu” Please scan the school Wechat Code to get more information.
版权所有:海南师范大学国际教育学院 网站备案号:琼ICP备0021722号
地址:海南省海口市龙昆南路99号 电话:86-898-65882015 86-898-65819460
传真:86-898-65882015 86-898-65819460 Email:hainnu@sina.com 技术支持:伊索科技